How I got here!

16/12/2013 15:30

Today was a stark reminder that I am not within a few degrees of the equator any more! It was cold and wet and grey, and once again I stayed inside most of the day. Luckily I can amuse myself easily, but this weather is a bit of a shock, and I have to be honest and say that I am missing "endless summer".

For two years my husband and I lived and worked in Singapore, plenty of time to get used to the heat and humidity, which I absolutely love. Glynn had the opportunity to relocate there for a specific project with the company we had moved to Sydney for him to join. I was able to stay with my company, when we moved from Melbourne to Sydney, then when we relocated five months later to Singapore. No sooner than we had unpacked and got our home set up in Sydney, than we were repacking and putting most of our wordly possessions in storage, ready for our stint in Singapore.

In Singapore I worked in the local office of my company, which was an opportunity to get to know my Singaporean colleagues better. When my husband's project finished he also joined my company. When the big project that we had been working also finished, it was time to move on, and that meant leaving Singapore. It is getting more and more difficult for ex-pats to get work there and we decided to look elsewhere. Not really being ready to return to Australia, and still wanting to stay in Asia, we investigated the job market in Hong Kong.

Having a good friend who has lived here a long time, and loves it, was also an incentive to look at opportunities here. Glynn had a few contacts from Singapore, and he was able to get the job he wanted, working with someone he really wanted to work with. So we were ready to move; I resigned from my company, ready for a change as well, but stayed behind for another month to finish up everything in Singapore.

And that is how I find myself as a housewife, even though the "house" is very small and fully serviced several times a week. I will be seriously job-hunting in the new year, but for now, I am "between jobs" and giving myself some down time. And attempting to write a blog!