A wet day is a good time to start a new blog site!
Today I launch my Hong Kong blog. I have been thinking about this since I moved here just over a week ago and today seemed the perfect day to start.
Drizzly rain and heavy skies have made it a good day to sit inside and search for free blogging sites. I chose this one, and have spent most of the day getting my head around the workings of the individual pages, mainly removing sections that are not relevant to what I want to do.
Apart from this, I have only made a few forays out onto the balcony to take some shots of the rooftop "gardens" on buildings that surround this one. I even got out the camera, with a fairly powerful lense, instead of lazily using my phone as I usually do. These photos will appear in the photogallery and/or on another one of my other photo repositories once I have uploaded them.
So tomorrow, some background to my arriving in Hong Kong.