Good-bye Hong Kong
26/02/2014 17:54Unfortunately, on February 18th, my husband and I left Hong Kong, and returned to Sydney.
Our last few days were spent packing our belongings, and giving away food items that we couldn't bring back with us. We ended up sending nearly 40kgs of goods, in two boxes, via post; we checked in six pieces of luggage and carried on another four bags. This is all seems a lot of "stuff", especially as we have 31 boxes of personal and household items coming from Singapore, and a garage-sized storage unit here in Sydney.
One of our first priorities, after both getting jobs and finding somewhere to live, will be to unpack and then start heavily weeding everything we have. I am sure we do not need all of it; most of it we have lived without for over two years.
Today, Glynn got a role, with the company he originally moved to Singapore with. I have several leads that I am following up, so hopefully I will have something soon. One thing we are enjoying is the warm and sunny weather. Our last week in Hong Kong was very cold, with bitter winds that felt as if they were blowing straight from Siberia.
I will have to think about whether I keep this blog going, maybe rename it, or change the focus of it.
One thing we want to do now we are back is explore all the places we loved here, and see others we didn't get to before, so I may turn this into a Sydney sights and surrounds blog. I still love taking photos, and this can be another place where I share them.
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